Getting Started with Java 8 Functional Programming

Interested in Java 8 and its functional programming capabilities? This beginner’s guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to get up and running quickly!

If you’re looking to quickly get up and running with Java 8’s powerful functional programming capabilities, then this beginner’s guide is just what you need! Learn the basics of how to set up and use Java 8, including info on lambdas, streams, suppliers, and functional interfaces.

Understand the Benefits of Functional Programming.

Java 8’s functional programming capabilities bring a range of benefits to developers. It allows us to write code more succinctly and with fewer lines, which results in faster development time, reduces maintenance cost,s and makes your code easier to read and understand.

Functional programming also allows you to break up complex tasks into simpler, more manageable sub-tasks, making debugging and testing much easier.

You will learn about a variety of Functional Interfaces – Predicate, Consumer, Supplier, BinaryOperator and Function