Java ToDoubleBiFunction Functional Interface. Tutorial and Examples

What is a ToDoubleBiFunction Interface ?

Java 8 introduced the concept of the functional interface, which is an interface with exactly one abstract method. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the ToDoubleBiFunction functional interface, which is a type of functional interface that was introduced in Java 8 and can be used in a wide range of applications. The ToDoubleBiFunction functional interface is a special type of interface that is used to apply a double-to-double function to its two parameters which, in turn, produces a double-valued result. This interface has the method applyAsDouble() which takes two parameters of type T and U and returns a double value. This blog post will delve into the purpose of this interface, discuss how it can be used, and provide code examples to illustrate how the ToDoubleBiFunction interface can be implemented in applications.